Archive for the ‘Алина_Msk’ Category

44. Встреча – Москва: От суда к Грузинам / From Court to Georgians

Thursday, January 17th, 2013

44th KSC had been a very tasty and funny evening. The court-decision hat been again postponed (asking for witnesses) to the 28.1. and from this date again to the 31.1. So, at the 31.1. (remembering article 31 of the Russian constitition) we’ll see each other again in court. )) (There had been 5 more people at KSC this week. Will check, if they show up again, before registering them as Presidents..))

This weeks line-up had been: 1. 16.00: Crisse VS the corrupt system. Will they be able to press out 500-750 Euro from me, or can i defend myselfe in upholding the right to peacefully raise your voice in public. 2. 20.00 Lets have dinner at one of the best Georgian restaurants in town!
3. 21.00 First bottle of Vodka has to be empty! Why a Georgian restaurant after this Farce? 1. Very good cuisine, 2. fought corruption very effectively, today one of the safest countries in the world!

Nummer 44
Datum 23.01.2013 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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40. Встеча – Москва: Циферблат на Пушкинской / Zifferblatt am Pushkinskaja

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Thanx for the successful KSC-Moscow Nr. 40 celebration-meeting! (Thanx also to all of you for this beautiful birthday-evenig in Ziferblat)..( at Pushkinskaja sq. (Tverskoj Bulvar, 12/1 (Последний подъезд в 12-м доме перед строительными лесами. Возле двери будет висеть маленькая табличка с надписью «Циферблат». Надо нажать на кнопочку и сказать, что вы в Циферблат. ) CU next week & Klapp zu!

Nummer 40
Datum 05.12.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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