Archive for the ‘Renata_Msk’ Category

40. Встеча – Москва: Циферблат на Пушкинской / Zifferblatt am Pushkinskaja

Mittwoch, Dezember 5th, 2012

Thanx for the successful KSC-Moscow Nr. 40 celebration-meeting! (Thanx also to all of you for this beautiful birthday-evenig in Ziferblat)..( at Pushkinskaja sq. (Tverskoj Bulvar, 12/1 (Последний подъезд в 12-м доме перед строительными лесами. Возле двери будет висеть маленькая табличка с надписью “Циферблат”. Надо нажать на кнопочку и сказать, что вы в Циферблат. ) CU next week & Klapp zu!

Nummer 40
Datum 05.12.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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38. Встреча – Москва: KSC goes Ice-Skating in Gorky-Park!

Freitag, November 16th, 2012

Klapp auf! As the 2nd season of the great open-air ice-skating area in Park Gorkogo opend recently, we’ll take the chance to have a sporty meeting. Had a great meeting on ice. Saidfully without our loved chairs, but, as a compensation, we got nice skates, a great ice-skating are, 18.000 m²!! and some fancy surrounds)) Everybody who caugh fire, Kriśtof is regularly going to skate.. Klapp zu.

Nummer 38
Datum 21.11.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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37. Встреча – Москва: Чистые Пруды / Tshistye Prudy

Dienstag, November 13th, 2012

Klapp auf! Had a crowdy meeting at the (not so clean) Chistie Prudy. )) KSC-MSK record. 12 Klappers gather at uncomfi conditions, had a cold&little-rainy night, in the heart of Moscow. Enjoyed warm tea and coffe afterwards in the incredible Zifferblatt (, which found space for us&chairs. Thanx for this successfull&funny evening, which had been tributed to Francesco&Ciara! Maybe KSC will get a brother/sister in Italy?

Nummer 37
Datum 14.11.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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36. Встреча – Москва: Лужники / Luzhniki

Freitag, November 2nd, 2012

Klapp auf! Had a quite cold meeting at the biggest stadium in Moscow – Luzhniki. Kriśtof&Francesco introduced us into the history of the stadium and the buildings around it – which had been planed&build for the Olympics 1980.

Nummer 36
Datum 07.11.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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