Archive for the ‘Ljuda_Msk’ Category

25. Встреча Москвы: м. Таганская – м. Новокузнецкая / Metro Taganskaja to M. Novokuzneckaja

Monday, March 26th, 2012

Winter-wheather and snowfall made us to shorten our trip to M Novokuzneckaja. Had an informative trip and learned about the development of Moscow. From “Whithe City” to “Earth City” to modern Zamoskvoreche.  See the route here.

Nummer 25
Datum 28.03.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow
Aktivitaeten Schneespaziergang

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24. Встреча Москвы: Екатерининский сад /Ekaterinskij Garden

Thursday, March 15th, 2012

Ekerinskij Sad had been a quite snowy pleasure.. had a nice winter impression and a cold little beer, until the snow got too much on our nerves.. we than walked a while to warm up in an bar with a fresh cold beer.. ) Our journalist-followers spontaneously joined as well as last-semester followers..)

Nummer 24
Datum 21.03.2012 21:00
Stadt Moscow

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