Archive for the ‘Mona_Msk’ Category

10. Встреча Москва: Парк Победы / Victory Park

Sonntag, November 6th, 2011


Successful 10th meeting in Park Pobedy! We really bravely fought the cold! The huge square was not too cosy in a cold and windy night with somewhat around 0 degrees… )) We still had fun, jumped a bit around the eternal flame and the gigantic sword.. )) Nils gave us an overview about the historic and todays details of Victory Park. cu next week.

Nummer 10 – С ПРАЗДНИКОМ!
Datum 09.11.2011 21:00
Stadt Moskva

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9. Встреча Москва: Горкий Парк

Dienstag, November 1st, 2011

The 9th meeting will be in the Park imeni Gorkogo, closesed Metro is Park Kulturi or Oktjabrskaja.

KSC-Moscow found a romantic place in the middle of Gorky Park, on top of a little bridge over a idyllic pond. Fotos??

Nummer 9
Datum 02.11.2011 21:00
Stadt Moskva

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7. Встреча Москва: Памятник В. С. Высоцкому/ Memorial of Vladimir Vysotsky

Mittwoch, Oktober 12th, 2011

Moscow is getting colder. After one hour we moved into a bar.. ))

We continue our Tribute-Tour on famous Russian/Soviet Music-legends. This time: Vladimir Vysotsky. / Продолжение нашей прогулки об известных российских музыкантов. Сейчас – Владимир Высоцкий!! Meeting Point: Strastnoj Bulvar/Ul. Petrovka. Check out Geo-Tag. To prepare: Владимир Высоцкий – Песня о Друге <>

Nummer 7
Datum 19.10.2011 21:00
Stadt Moskva

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5. Встреча Москва: Воробьёвы горы/Vorob’jovy Gory, МГУ

Dienstag, Oktober 4th, 2011

Had a relatively “warm” evening with a beautiful view over the gigantic mega-city. In the back the biggest “Stalin-Finger”, the MGU. As the wind did refresh too much, we used KSC-rules to move under the gigantic pillars around the entrance portal of the Moscow State University (MGU). Had an informative presentation, Vodka and Moscow-member-record (12, 8 of ‘em Presidents!). ;-)

Nummer 5
Datum 05.10.2011 21:00
Stadt Moskva

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